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Fall/Winter Hours: closed Wednesdays Current Hours/Directions

We love hearing from qualified people. To apply online, please answer the questions below and click the "Submit" button at the bottom to forward this application to us. Or, click the following link to open and print the hardcopy application and bring it into the store. We'll review it and be in touch if we feel that you would be a good fit. Thanks for your interest in joining our team!

Note: * indicates required information

Personal Information

(First, Middle, Last)
(select one)

Work Preferences

(select one)
(select one)

Previous Work Experience & Education

(select one)
(select highest level achieved)
(if yes, tell us which one)
(please tell us about your last 2 jobs and briefly explain your responsibilities there)
(select one)
Such as Park Tool/Barnett/United (if yes, please tell us the name of the class and what you learned; if no, ignore this question)

Optional Bicycle Knowledge Questions

We hire quality people eager to learn. Feel free to ignore the questions in this section if that's you. Scroll to the bottom and click the Submit Form button. Other positions require bicycle experience. The optional questions below are an opportunity to show what you know.

Thank You!

Thanks very much for filling out and submitting an application. We'll be in touch if you qualify for a position with us. (Be sure to click the Submit Form button below so that we receive your application.)